Friday, July 3, 2015

Osteopathic FAQ: Why get treatment when it's only minor or little pain?

For example: a male in his mid-20s didn't notice a puddle of water while walking in a mall, as he walked over it, he slipped but maintained his balance without falling. The next day he woke up with a minor hip pain and ignored it. Few weeks passes by, he started to notice the pain has referred/shifted to his middle and low back.  

In terms of this example of minor slip and fall, our bodies can naturally heal itself with time “if” there are no restrictions like muscle spasms/knots, tightness, pain, discomfort, fatigue, loss of movement, decrease range of motion etc but because he ignored the pain over time, those restrictions increased and even affecting other areas. Seeking treatment in prolonged stage will have a slower recovering time and requires more treatments. If treatments were began at an early stage, it will not only speed up the healing, but also reduces the amount of treatments that will be needed.

Osteopathy, Low Back Pain, Sciatica, Hip Pain, LBP, Trigger Point,Free Consultation, Pain, Acute, Chronic, Sprain, Strain 
Muscles are like rubber band, it can shorten and lengthen. Sometimes when muscles get stretched enough with a light twist it can cause the muscle to bond together aka muscle knot. Imagine fully lengthening a rubber band, twist one end to the right/up, then the other end left/down and you will notice in the center that the bands are tied or semi twisted together.
Osteopathy, Low Back Pain, Sciatica, Hip Pain, LBP, Trigger Point,Free Consultation, Pain, Acute, Chronic, Sprain, Strain

Muscle Knots can...
- Reduce the movement of your arm
- Restricting your head turning from side to side
- Feeling achy somewhere
- Feeling of tiredness all the time
- Cause slower blood flow to the knotted areas 
- Cause headaches 
- Reduce other muscles or joints movement of the non-knotted areas
- Cause pain referral (pain perceived at a location other than the site of the painful stimulus)

Osteopathy, Low Back Pain, Sciatica, Hip Pain, LBP, Trigger Point,Free Consultation, Pain, Acute, Chronic, Sprain, Strain
Treatments may include the following:
- Myofascial/Trigger Point Release
- Ultrasound Therapy
- Osteopathic Mobilization Techniques
- Soft Tissue Therapy
- Muscle Energy Techniques

Got questions? Send me an email at or call in to schedule your appointment today!

Unit 212, 385 Silver Star Blvd Scarborough ON M1V 0E3

Unit 3, 60 Brian Harrison Way, Scarborough, ON, M1P 5J5 

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